Cycling route ‘Venray-Tienray’

The village of Tienray, which is part of the municipality of Horst aan de Maas, was home to many people in hiding from surrounding villages during World War II, and it was severely hit by the Germans. This cycling route takes you from Venray to this village, which is now also a pilgrimage site. The most interesting places along this route include the German War Cemetery in Ysselsteyn (Liberation Route audio spot 203) and the monument to Hanna van de Voort in Tienray.

Stories with this route

Kapitein Timmermans

Kapitein Timmermans

Beleefpunt 1 'Aan de andere kant' Duitse Oorlogsbegraafplaats
Als vrijwillig-dienstplichtige zit Lodewijk Johannes Timmermans na de capitulatie in mei 1940 korte tijd in krijgsgevangenschap. Als de bezetter hem in juli 1943 oproept opnieuw in krijgsgevangenschap te gaan, duikt hij onder bij zijn zus in Venray.
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De wachter van de Peel

De wachter van de Peel

Liberation Route Europe Luisterplek 202
Begin oktober 1944 woeden er rondom de dorpen Overloon en Venray heftige gevechten. De Duitsers hebben de kerktoren van Venray, de Wachter van de Peel, ingenomen als uitkijkpost. Zij zien de Britten langzaam oprukken met hun tanks en antwoorden met...
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Download the unique app and experience the past

The free Venray Remembers app shows the past as you have never seen it before. Download the app, take the car or bicycle or go on foot and follow a beautiful route in De Peel. Follow the instructions in the app to project an augmented reality video at the indicated locations and become part of the story that happened there.

View the war past from a different perspective and through this unique app. A modern way to let young and old relive the past in a positive way. Let’s keep remembering!

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Download de Venray Remembers app

Download the unique app and experience the past

The free Venray Remembers app shows the past as you have never seen it before. Download the app, take the car or bicycle or go on foot and follow a beautiful route in De Peel. Follow the instructions in the app to project an augmented reality video at the indicated locations and become part of the story that happened there.

View the war past from a different perspective and through this unique app. A modern way to let young and old relive the past in a positive way. Let’s keep remembering!

More information

Download de Venray Remembers app